Pt 1: New group The Santa Monica Great Park Coalition. Pt 2: New Council Members Natalya
Zernitskaya and Ellis Raskin
NOMA OCTOBER Meeting 10-10-24
Part 1 - Livable CA & Our Neighborhood Voices Part 2 - Pro/Con on the School Bond measure
on returning development to local control
NOMA SEPTEMBER Meeting 9-5-24:
Mario Fonda-Bonardi - Pres. SM Conservancy; Megan Gamble - Hospitality Santa Monica
NOMA AUGUST Meeting 8-1-24:
Heather Averick- SM Housing & Human Svc; Tara Barauskas - Community Corp of SM; Cody Green - SM Police Officers Assoc
NOMA JUNE Meeting 6-6-24
NOMA MAY Meeting 5-2-24
Part 1 - SMPD Chief Ramon Batista Part 2 - SMMUSD COO Carey Upton
NOMA APRIL Meeting 4-4-24